How to Avoid Sexual Misconduct.”

Step 1.
Be Clear on the Purpose of your Relationship.
There are two aspects to the purpose of any relationship: the first is that you’re serving the other person so he or she will be blessed (and not just to get him or her into bed); the second is that you are being blessed as well.

Step 2.
Make sure the Purpose is Practical.
Don’t expect to be a friend with sexual benefits unless your friendship is going somewhere.
If you still aren’t sure about where you are going, stick with being friends. This is too important to mess up just to get laid.

Step 3.
Set Boundaries.
Don’t cross the line once you guys have made it clear to each other where you will and won’t go.
And don’t make dating a goal that you are willing to manipulate your way to.

Step 4.
Know what you really want and expect.
Don’t get stuck in a relationship with someone who isn’t going to give you everything you want, but you don’t tell him or her that.
A relationship shouldn’t require lying or hiding through omission to work.

Step 5.
Get an education.
Get to know the stereotypes and myths that surround romantic relationships.
The more you know about what could go wrong, the better plan you’ll make for avoiding it.

Step 6.
Be careful who you talk to.
If you are going to be vulnerable with anyone about anything, make sure this person will not use what you have shared against you.

Step 7.
Be careful how you kiss.
There is a reason why the Bible tells us to keep our lips from speaking evil.
If you and your partner are having problems, don’t let yourself become vulnerable by engaging in passionate and sexual behavior. Distance yourself from physical touch until you get things worked out.

Step 8.
Be careful what you do with your hands.
If you find that your hands and arms are becoming a part of the physical distance growing between you and your friend, decide to stop the emotional distance taking place by putting them down to call a time out.
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Step 9.
Don’t get mentally carried away.
You may have good intentions, but they won’t matter if you forget what your best behavior is.
If you have found a girl who is attractive and emotionally available, that doesn’t mean you’re meant for each other. It just means you’re probably not in the same place.

Step 10.
Think of yourself as a pioneer.
You may not be out exploring the New World, but if you don’t know what’s waiting for you out there in the dating world, you’re just kidding yourself.
You may end up dating someone you thought was right for you, but who turned out to be destructive. So use this guide for dealing with romantic relationships wisely, because nobody else will.