How to ensure your video content inspires your audience to act

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Step 1: Align your content with your prospect’s goals.
Step 2: Ensure video assists with your prospect’s goals. Step 3: Make it easy for your user to receive that assistance.

Step 2: Offer local content.
This can be anything regarding your local community or your business location’s area. This could be useful for industries with local businesses as clients. If one of your clients works in South Philly, make sure you maintain a presence there – shop at small South Philly businesses, share events in South Philly on Facebook and Twitter, etc.

Step 3: Make it easy to take action.
In the video, conclude with an easy way your prospects can take action. They’ll likely be watching on their mobile phone or desktop computer, so consider putting actionable information (like a link to this book) in the description of the YouTube video. If you’re putting your content on Facebook or Instagram, use a geofilter for the post. Geofilters increase engagement and could lead to more views.

Step 4: Measure your content performance.
You will eventually want to track the performance of your video content, but it might not be worth it in the beginning.

Step 5: Analyze what isn’t working.
You will inevitably have some content that doesn’t perform well. Take note of which pieces aren’t performing as well (don’t be discouraged by this, just determine what didn’t work and move on). Try to figure out why. Maybe your prospect wasn’t in the mood for the topic you were offering. Maybe the question you posed was too hard to answer (people are usually more compelled to buy when presented

Step 6: Focus your content.
If you’re failing at expanding your reach, try creating more content that is focused on a niche market. While this may limit your overall reach, it will help focus your efforts and allow you to penetrate a market you’ve targeted.

Step 7: Increase your production quality and frequency.
As you gain more experience in creating videos, your videos will become better. Get feedback from friends, business partners and family. Lean on your inner circle for honest feedback. Your first few videos might not be so good (and maybe your later ones won’t be either), but one day you’ll find that video content is easy for you.

Step 8: Diversify your content.
Don’t limit yourself by thinking you only have to create videos for your business. Think about the content you could create that would help your prospects in ways other than earning them money. It could be how to cut their grocery bills in half, or how to get their child into their dream school, or how to engage with the next generation on social media.

Step 9: Organize your content by level of interest.
So what is the next step after you’ve created content? Where do you plan to post it? There are many places you could post it and market it. Consider where you might post it and market the content to determine the quality of the content. What type of content should you share in each place? That depends on what you’re trying to accomplish with your content.

Step 10: Maintain a schedule.
Create a schedule of when you will post and share your content. Repetition creates confirmation. Your audience will begin to ask themselves, “What is Joe Schmoe posting on Facebook?” or “Why is it Jessica’s second interview this week?” If you consistently provide content that is value adding for your prospect (and are posting on the right platforms), your brand loyalty will increase.