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How to start an online profitable business


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How to Avoid Sexual Misconduct.”

How to Avoid Sexual Misconduct.”
2 cloves garlic
2 cloves garlic
Step 1: Be Clear on the Purpose of your Relationship. There are two aspects to the purpose of any relationship: the first is that you’re serving the other person so he or she will be blessed (and not just to get him or her into bed); the second is that you are being blessed as well.
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Step 2: Make sure the Purpose is Practical. Don’t expect to be a friend with sexual benefits unless your friendship is going somewhere. If you still aren’t sure about where you are going, stick with being friends. This is too important to mess up just to get laid.
Step 3: Set Boundaries. Don’t cross the line once you guys have made it clear to each other where you will and won’t go. And don’t make dating a goal that you are willing to manipulate your way to.
Step 4: Know what you really want and expect. Don’t get stuck in a relationship with someone who isn’t going to give you everything you want, but you don’t tell him or her that. A relationship shouldn’t require lying or hiding through omission to work.
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Step 5: Get an education. Get to know the stereotypes and myths that surround romantic relationships. The more you know about what could go wrong, the better plan you’ll make for avoiding it.
Step 6: Be careful who you talk to. If you are going to be vulnerable with anyone about anything, make sure this person will not use what you have shared against you.
Step 7: Be careful how you kiss. There is a reason why the Bible tells us to keep our lips from speaking evil. If you and your partner are having problems, don’t let yourself become vulnerable by engaging in passionate and sexual behavior. Distance yourself from physical touch until you get things worked out.
Step 8: Be careful what you do with your hands. If you find that your hands and arms are becoming a part of the physical distance growing between you and your friend, decide to stop the emotional distance taking place by putting them down to call a time out. Version 1.2 11/12
Step 9: Don’t get mentally carried away. You may have good intentions, but they won’t matter if you forget what your best behavior is. If you have found a girl who is attractive and emotionally available, that doesn’t mean you’re meant for each other. It just means you’re probably not in the same place.
Step 10: Think of yourself as a pioneer. You may not be out exploring the New World, but if you don’t know what’s waiting for you out there in the dating world, you’re just kidding yourself. You may end up dating someone you thought was right for you, but who turned out to be destructive. So use this guide for dealing with romantic relationships wisely, because nobody else will.

How to Sharpen a Knife – Video

How to Sharpen a Knife – Video
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freshly ground black pepper
Step 1: Place blade on bench grinder with long side of blade parallel to grinding wheel. Step 2: As grindstone rotates and draws the blade toward it, press down steadily but gently on cutter with your left hand until you have a 30° “feeling” angle. Don’t touch the grinding wheel or your fingers will become a messy treat for the bench dogs. For more information about how to sharpen a knife with a bench grinder check out this instructional video.
Step 2: With Angle Grinder Tricks – Video
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Step 3: Touch No Stones – Video
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Step 4: Lock Down Guide Plate – Video
Step 5: Grind Away – Video Hardware and Supplies You will need the following items ( which can be purchased at any hardware store): 15 MM TCT End Mill cutter
Step 6: Deburring and Clean Up – Video You can order this ceramic burr at Lee Valley. Final Steps Use a bench grinder with a Ceramic Burr to debur the edge of your knife blade.
Step 7: Sharpening the Edge – Video A more detailed instruction with pictures can be found here. Close Metal File
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Step 8: Touch Up and Polish – Video Using a metal file, polish both sides of your blade. Then stroke both sides of the blade gently with a polishing cloth. This should give you a sharp edge. Clamp Down Guide Plate
Step 9: Side and End Angle – Video Check out this photo to see the side and end angle. The top edge should be 20 degrees and the bottom edge should be 25 degrees. Do this on both sides of the blade.
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Step 10: Use a ruler to check the angle of your blade with calipers. You will also want to use a ruler to make sure you have a uniform thickness across your blade. Otherwise it might be too weak in the middle.

How to insert a new partition:

How to insert a new partition:
Step 1: Select the partition where you want to add a new partition to. Then right click on the partition and select “Resize/Move Partition”, which appears as the second item from the top in the drop-down menu. (If you just want to shrink the partition, don’t add a new one.)
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Step 2: The “Resize/Move Partition” dialog will appear and ask if you want to add a new partition or resize the existing one. Please select “Add” from the drop-down menu to create a new partition.
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Step 3: The “Create Disk Partition” dialog will appear and let you choose the size of the new partition to be created. You can click on the “Advanced” button to set a Custom value for the size of the partition in the Case 1: Set size in MB or Case 2: Specify size in GB and Bytes box, but if you want to resize the partition to be exactly 5 GB, please type “5041648”, which is 500 MB x 1024 MB (1 GB =
Step 4: When “Do you want to use the selected partition as the last partition?” appears and you check “No”, the Add Partition dialog will then pop up and tell you how much free space is left on your disk if you resize or shrink the partition. You can also set a letter for the new partition.
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Step 5: When you are about to create the partition, please ensure you have checked “Perform a quick format…” before clicking “OK”.
Step 6: To check the new partition has been created, go to “Disk Management” from the lower pane and then double click to expand the disk drive. If a new partition has been created, you will then see the new partition as well.
Step 7: To format the new partition, please right click on it and select “Format” from the drop-down menu. After that, you can follow the instructions and create a label for the new partition.
Step 8: The new partition is now ready for you to use. You can also access it through My Computer and then remove the old partition from the partition list.
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Step 9: To open the new partition, you can right click on the partition and choose “New Simple Volume” from the drop-down menu. Now you can follow the instructions under Step 1: Select the partition in “Step 2: The ‘Resize/Move Partition’ dialog will appear.” in this tutorial to format the newly added partition.
Step 10: Now you can choose the letter and format of the new partition you want to create. The “Create Disk Partition” dialog will appear and you can click on the “OK” button to create the partition.
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How to verify the JAVA installation:

How to verify the JAVA installation:
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4 tsp chopped fresh rosemary
Step 1: Open the Control Panel on your desktop.
Step 2: Inside the Control Panel open Java. (You might have to click on the Security tab and then request access to the Java control panel at the bottom of that security-related window.
Step 3: Under Java/Security, click the security tab. You will see the Java version information in the Java Control Panel.
Step 4: Press the YES button to have the JAVA verifier check the JVM for you. You will be told if any security problems exist.
Step 5: Press the OK button and the Close button to verify Java and exit the JAVA Control Panel.
Step 6: Close the Control Panel. You should now be able to run the spu2-x version 1.8.1 emulator.
Step 7: Look for a file named spu2-x.jar under the C:\Program Files\spu2-x directory. The spu2-x version 1.8.1 emulator will run properly from this .jar file.
Step 8: Run the spu2-x version 1.8.1 emulator. A command prompt window will appear and a Windows alert will sound asking if you want to allow it to make changes. This is normal, so give permission.
Step 9: On the left side of the command prompt window you will see a window that says “spu2x – version x.x (build yy)” followed by some version numbers and a (build yy) number.
Step 10: If things are working properly, you should see a little menu that includes the following options shown at the top of the menu as “File + Emulator.”
15 mins

How to combine the horizontal bar anchor and a long vertical bar to equally divide up the space of a browser window

How to combine the horizontal bar anchor and a long vertical bar to equally divide up the space of a browser window
Step 1: Set up the basic page and bar chart
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Step 2: Add Our Horizontal Bar Chart Anchor and Another Vertical Bar Chart Same Width/Height Using Our Vertical Bar ( Anchor)
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Step 3: Add the Line Chart Anchor and Another Vertical Bar Chart Same Width/Height Using Our Vertical Bar ( Anchor)
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Step 4: Add Song Title and Artist Using Our Horizontal Bar Anchor Combination
Step 5: Add Date of Release Using Our Horizontal Bar Anchor Combination
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Step 6: Add Embed Audio Player on Top of Same Vertical Bar and Cover Part of the Vertical Bar Rarely Used to Show Vertical Bar Chart
Step 7: Add Song Amount Downloaded Column Using Our Horizontal Bar Anchor Combination as a Spacer and Separator Using Our Bevel Effect
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Step 8: Add Song Amount Downloaded as Percentage Using Our Horizontal Bar Anchor Combination as a Spacer and Separator Using Our Bevel Effect
Step 9: Add Song Amount Downloaded as Percentage Using Our Horizontal Bar Anchor Combination as a Spacer and Separator
Step 10: Repeat the Songs Column Set Up Six More Times For Each Song in the Set List List Column, But Use a Different Media Type for Each Song

How to install the Google Earth Downloader plugin in Mozilla Firefox

How to install the Google Earth Downloader plugin in Mozilla Firefox
Step 1: Download the plugin here. Click on the Download plugin button and Firefox will prompt you to go to the next step.
Step 2: Select the Open file button. This will help you get the plugin downloaded, and saved in your desired location.
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Step 3: The next page will prompt you to Open or Save the file. To add the plugin in Firefox, select the Open option.
Step 4: The file will now open. Firefox will then prompt you for an installation location for the extension. Locate the place where you want to save it and select Install Now.
Step 5: You will then be asked to restart Firefox. Once you restart, go to the location where you placed the plugin and you should find a Google Earth downloader folder with a Firefox icon.
Step 6: Click on the Firefox icon, and it will open the plugins window. Click on the Activate Plugin button to activate the plugin. Now you can select the Plugins button and then click on the Google Earth Downloader menu.
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Step 7: There you’ll have to pick where you want to download the Google Earth image, and what part of the world you are interested in.
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Step 8: Click on the Google Earth Downloader menu and click on the Make a KML file of the current map section.
Step 9: The tool will automatically transfer the image to your desired location. To see the newly downloaded Google Earth image, go to your Downloads folder in Windows Explorer and open the image file.
Step 10: Right click on the Google Earth Downloader tool and select the Internet shortcuts menu. Click on the Open a new tab with icon to open up a new tab in Firefox that instantly has the downloaded KML file in it.

How to Edit CSS in the Divi Builder

How to Edit CSS in the Divi Builder
Step 1: Start by adding a new module to your page, open the module and then click on the CSS tab. This will take you to the Style Editor in the WP Customizer. You can then start creating your CSS by typing in the large field where it says “Default.”
Step 2: Before you post any changes, I highly recommend going to the “Preview Styles” section at the top of the Style Editor. Here, you can change the preview of your edits to see how they will look on different sized screens.
Step 3: Next, you want to click on the Divi > Theme Options link below. This will take you to the Divi Theme Customizer. From here you can play around with the CSS preview under the “Custom CSS” tab. This is very helpful in getting a real sense of how your changes will appear.
Step 4: Once you are satisfied with what you have done, click on the “Save and Publish” button. This will take you back to your editing screen where you can save all the CSS changes.
Step 5: You can take a look at the CSS for the module you just edited by selecting the “Live View” option at the top of the page.
Step 6: Next, you can change the CSS in the widget section of any module. Load the module you want to edit, then click on “Custom CSS” under the Appearance tab. You will be able to access the code here as well.
Step 7: Sometimes you will want to change the CSS for an entire row or a column. You can edit the CSS for these elements by first clicking on the grey CSS selector at the top of the row or column and then editing the CSS code to your liking.
Step 8: Another way to edit CSS on a per row or column basis is by first clicking on the grey CSS selector at the top of the row or column. From there, you can select the row or column by clicking on the red highlighted numbers next to “Select Row” or “Select Column”.
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Step 9: You can add custom CSS to the individual modules. In the module you want to edit, click on “Layout Options” underneath the module title at the top of the module and then click the “CSS” tab on the popup that appears. You can put your custom code in here.
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Step 10: To add custom CSS to an entire section, click on the grey CSS selector next to the section title at the top of the section. You will then see the name of the section, such as “Footer 1”. Select the section name and you will be able edit the CSS for the entire section using the same steps outlined above.