How to block her path. She’s taken him to a land very difficult for humans to enter. It’s the entrance to hell

How to block her path. She’s taken him to a land very difficult for humans to enter. It’s the entrance to hell
Step 1: Edit Edit
½ cup
Step 2: Edit Edit
2 large sweet yellow onions
Step 3: Edit Edit
Step 4: Edit Edit
Step 5: You must now defeat the remaining two cards. These are the origin of the spell. They’re the ones who put him to sleep
¾ cup fresh lemon juice
Step 6: Edit Edit
coarse salt
Step 7: Edit Edit
Step 8: Edit Edit
¾ cup fresh lemon juice
Step 9: After you beat the cards, Cerberus will appear. Defeat him to save the prince. You’ll take him to the entrance of hell and he’ll sleep peacefully.
Step 10: Edit Edit

How to download and install the game on a computer

How to download and install the game on a computer
Step 1: Start your system and go to “My Computer”. Find the hard drive icon and install the game. The default path to install the game will be C:\Program Files\KONAMI\Pro Evolution Soccer 2011. For example:
Step 2: Go to KONAMI\Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 and create a desktop shortcut, for example: “C:\Program Files\KONAMI\Pro Evolution Soccer 2011\pes_2011.exe”
Step 3: Create a desktop shortcut of the shortcut you have just created. For example: “C:\Users\user name\Desktop\pes 2011.lnk”
Step 4: If a new shortcut is generated in the start menu it should have something [USB Mass Storage Device] in its name. Remove everything except the last part of the name. For example: “pes 2011”
cheesy instant pot whole chicken meal prep
Step 5: Start the game. The shortcut on your desktop should open the PES 2011 Launcher. If it doesn’t then go to your computer and find the new shortcut and click on it.
Step 6: If it still doesn’t work, then try ending the task of PES 2011. Find the game using your computer and right click on the process and end it in the end process tab.
Step 7: Now go to the start menu on your computer and look for PES 2011 under KONAMI. Start the game and if everything goes right, you should see the PES 2011 Launcher. Check if the game is loading by pressing “F1”. Enter the short-cut location and make a new shortcut of it and try running it on your desktop. This time it should open the PES 2011 Launcher.
Step 8: Congratulations if it worked! If not then this is an issue with the game. We suggest you contact KONAMI support.
Step 9: Make sure you have updated everything at least once. It includes steam, anti-virus, graphics card drivers etc.
Step 10: If you have some extra know-how take a look at the files, installers and their path’s. Like for example ar\e.ini to fc\data. You might have missed something.

How to Make It: Oven Braised Pork Chops

How to Make It: Oven Braised Pork Chops
¾ cup fresh lemon juice
¾ cup fresh lemon juice
Step 1: Season your pork chop. This may seem counterintuitive, but many people I know find that a pork chop tastes best when it’s not covered, completely, in some sort of salt-and-pepper rub. Maybe it has something to do with the bone—maybe you want it to season the bone, too. Either way, I find that an even dusting of salt and pepper is the most flavorful starting off point for the cooked chop.
Step 2: Preheat your oven. Set a cast-iron pan on medium heat. Enough to get it legitimately hot, but still not so hot that the olive oil you’re about to add will smoke. While you wait for that to happen, pat the sides of your pork chop dry. (This helps to achieve a good sear.)
6 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
Step 3: Add the olive oil and pork chop. Add just enough to coat, and then add the pork chop. No crowding—you want an oven-to-cooking surface ratio that works out to at least one square inch of cooking surface per ounce of meat.
Step 4: Cook the pork chop, oil side down. Don’t move it! I know that’s how you’re used to doing it at home, but it’s actually pretty important that you don’t turn the chop until the bottom half is done. This will probably take 3 to 4 minutes.
spinach salad
Step 5: Flip the pork chop. When it’s brown and crusty on the bottom, it’s time to flip. Flip the chop and brown for another 3 to 4 minutes.
2 cloves garlic
Step 6: Get a pan out of the oven. Then, crack a whole bunch of eggs in it—just drop them in from about a foot above the pan.
Step 7: Cook the eggs. Cook the eggs as you like ’em, but I personally think this one just needs to cook until the whites are no longer translucent (about 3 minutes), then place them on top of the cooked pork chop and toss on cooked broccoli. This is now an omelette-style situation.
Step 8: Glaze with the pan sauce. The little bits that browned in the pan immediately after you seared the pork chop? Combine that stuff with a bit of apple cider vinegar, fresh herbs, and maybe some ketchup to add a little color.
free turkey bacon
Step 9: Eat the pork chops and broccoli and the eggs. The broccoli gets cooked by the residual heat from the pork chop, and the concoction will glaze everything to perfection.
Step 10: Repeat. This exact dish hasn’t been replicated at home more than twice, but it could definitely be made over and over again. You could even pair it with pasta or potatoes if you felt so inclined. And really, who doesn’t?

How to create a data set for future predictions

How to create a data set for future predictions
Step 1: Modify the existing Column function by adding the YTD argument, which takes the same input that the Month and Year arguments receive. Again, note that the first instance of the Column function has no arguments because it contains the logic that was in the original Excel worksheet you imported.
sea salt
Step 2: Create a new iteration of the IF function that returns 2016 when the original Column function argument is greater than 5,000.
Step 3: Use the greater-than operator (>) on the result of the new Column function. This operator will return a value of false for the second iteration of the Column function.
Step 4: Number the rows using the Auto Number function and number the columns using the Custom List 2 function. Each time a custom list is imported, it retains its numbering scheme, so you can continue to use a single list to number every column.
steering wheel button
Step 5: Add the IF function that returns the correct values for values that are less than or equal to 5,000. This will number the columns using the custom list 2.
Step 6: Add a new column to the end of the table and include text that indicates whether the sales for the month are up or down over last year.
Step 7: Add a fourth iteration of the Column function that uses the operator <= to determine whether the sales for the month are up or down over last year. salad
Step 8: Use the IF function to generate the text that indicates whether sales are up or down in column P6. If sales are up, enter Up Else Down. Otherwise, insert the text Down Else Up.
4 cloves garlic
Step 9: Use the MIN function to determine the lowest sales value for the year. This works because dates are interpreted as serial numbers. Because Excel interprets row 1 as 1/1, this value is actually the minimum for the year.
Step 10: Use the IF function, which returns the text Up or Down based on whether the sales increase or decrease with the MIN function. This will return the word Up if the sales are up, otherwise, it will return the word Down.
freshly ground black pepper

How to Test Anything, Part 1: Maximize Learning, Minimize Unexpected Consequences

How to Test Anything, Part 1: Maximize Learning, Minimize Unexpected Consequences
Step 1: Write down what you want to test, and list all the expected outcomes and their relative probabilities.
freshly ground black pepper
Step 2: List all possible variations. They may be obvious, or they may be nearly invisible. If they are hidden, check all the places that might be relevant.
Step 3: Choose a variation, either at random or based on judgment. First identify preconceptions that may bias the test. If you know the result, you have once raised a barrier to learning (your own inability to see reality).
Step 4: Measure the metric(s) of interest, and document your reasoning. Then measure everything else. Document your reasoning for everything else.
define neural networks
Step 5: Document again. You need to be reminded that you remembered to measure what you thought you were measuring.
Step 6: Analyze the results. Learn to tell when you are learning as fast as possible, and when you need a better hypothesis or additional variations of the test.
Step 7: Revise your model. Your models, not reality, are the unbiased sources of your learning. One of us (DHH) has suggested that the world does indeed need more anthropomorphized quadratic equations.
Step 8: If there are connections between what you are testing and other areas of interest, consider parallel tests in those areas.
serves 4
Step 9: Share what you have learned as widely as possible. You can take steps to reduce the risk of negative outcomes, if you learn enough.
coarse salt
Step 10: Set up a process to follow the most important results even after you have forgotten about them. If no one is interested, announce the results and explain why they are important to people who care.
¾ cup fresh lemon juice

How to Make a Nintendo Switch Case

How to Make a Nintendo Switch Case
15 mins
15 mins
Step 1: Collect All the Materials Show All Items
Step 2: Draw the Case Show All Items
Step 3: Cut It Out Show All Items
use bitcoinethereum mining
Step 4: Fold the Pieces Show All Items
Step 5: Put It Together Show All Items
Step 6: Add the Switch Show All Items
spinach salad
Step 7: Add the Accessories Show All Items
Step 8: Enjoy Show All Items
Step 9: Outro Show All Items
Step 10: Addendum/Update Show All Items
spinach salad

How to Grow and Care for African Tarantulas,” video presentation on

How to Grow and Care for African Tarantulas,” video presentation on
¾ cup fresh lemon juice
¾ cup fresh lemon juice
Step 1: Test for suitability by letting your tarantula crawl around on one of the hands in a pair of white cotton gloves. This will give it some protection from your hands and any chemicals used to clean its container, should you approach it directly.
Step 2: Move your hand so that the tarantula can enter the glove. If it climbs all or most of the way inside the glove, that is a good sign that it may be ready to change homes.
¾ cup fresh lemon juice
Step 3: Cover the floor of a new container with 1 to 2 in of soil. Then add a shallow layer of peat moss and crushed coconut shell, ideally pre-moistened before adding to this layer.
Step 4: Make a hole in the soil, enclosing the tarantula with your index finger and thumb. Let it work its way out of the soil on its own with the help of its sense of touch, if needed.
Step 5: Drop the tarantula in and carefully cover it with soil. Then replace the new container’s lid and tape it securely to keep the tarantula inside.
Step 6: Feed it. Tarantulas prefer live insects and can be rescued from their cannibalistic ways (and from being prey) by breeding crickets as food for them.
¾ cup fresh lemon juice
Step 7: A week after its move, it may shed its exuviae (old exoskeleton). This could be a sign that things are going well.
Step 8: After two or three weeks, try blowing gently on its abdomen with nothing in front of you. You are trying to make it nervous so that it will be prepared to run away if necessary. Repeat every few days until it runs. Remove your finger to see if it comes back.
Step 9: Once its running has improved, watch it from a distance to see if it can run away. It might near a leaf with a white plant tag hanging on it. If so, remove your finger and see if it goes to the spot and stays there where you can pet it.
Step 10: When you are able to touch it from a distance, move your hand around the leaf. Try to make it nervous, perhaps by doing quick lunges toward the tarantula before backing away.

How to ensure your video content inspires your audience to act

How to ensure your video content inspires your audience to act
Step 1: Align your content with your prospect’s goals. Step 2: Ensure video assists with your prospect’s goals. Step 3: Make it easy for your user to receive that assistance.
Step 2: Offer local content. This can be anything regarding your local community or your business location’s area. This could be useful for industries with local businesses as clients. If one of your clients works in South Philly, make sure you maintain a presence there – shop at small South Philly businesses, share events in South Philly on Facebook and Twitter, etc.
Step 3: Make it easy to take action. In the video, conclude with an easy way your prospects can take action. They’ll likely be watching on their mobile phone or desktop computer, so consider putting actionable information (like a link to this book) in the description of the YouTube video. If you’re putting your content on Facebook or Instagram, use a geofilter for the post. Geofilters increase engagement and could lead to more views.
Step 4: Measure your content performance. You will eventually want to track the performance of your video content, but it might not be worth it in the beginning.
Step 5: Analyze what isn’t working. You will inevitably have some content that doesn’t perform well. Take note of which pieces aren’t performing as well (don’t be discouraged by this, just determine what didn’t work and move on). Try to figure out why. Maybe your prospect wasn’t in the mood for the topic you were offering. Maybe the question you posed was too hard to answer (people are usually more compelled to buy when presented
Step 6: Focus your content. If you’re failing at expanding your reach, try creating more content that is focused on a niche market. While this may limit your overall reach, it will help focus your efforts and allow you to penetrate a market you’ve targeted.
Step 7: Increase your production quality and frequency. As you gain more experience in creating videos, your videos will become better. Get feedback from friends, business partners and family. Lean on your inner circle for honest feedback. Your first few videos might not be so good (and maybe your later ones won’t be either), but one day you’ll find that video content is easy for you.
Step 8: Diversify your content. Don’t limit yourself by thinking you only have to create videos for your business. Think about the content you could create that would help your prospects in ways other than earning them money. It could be how to cut their grocery bills in half, or how to get their child into their dream school, or how to engage with the next generation on social media.
Step 9: Organize your content by level of interest. So what is the next step after you’ve created content? Where do you plan to post it? There are many places you could post it and market it. Consider where you might post it and market the content to determine the quality of the content. What type of content should you share in each place? That depends on what you’re trying to accomplish with your content.
¾ cup fresh lemon juice
Step 10: Maintain a schedule. Create a schedule of when you will post and share your content. Repetition creates confirmation. Your audience will begin to ask themselves, “What is Joe Schmoe posting on Facebook?” or “Why is it Jessica’s second interview this week?” If you consistently provide content that is value adding for your prospect (and are posting on the right platforms), your brand loyalty will increase.

How to create a great website resume

How to create a great website resume
raw garlic
raw garlic
Step 1: Contact information
freshly ground black pepper
Step 2: Resume header and description of yourself
¾ cup fresh lemon juice
Step 3: Contact details for work experience (bull summary)
1 large head
Step 4: Contact details – details of your work description (bulls)
Step 5: Contact details – more details of your work experience (students)
Step 6: Contact details of your experience (Doc list)
Step 7: Details of travel and participation (course)
4 tsp chopped fresh rosemary
Step 8: Work experience (real Resume)
serves 4
Step 9: How to make a great CV for experience (add-ons)
Step 10: Cover letter (goodbye)

How to update old cupboards – This Old House Painting

How to update old cupboards – This Old House Painting
Step 1: Getting the cabinets clean and prepped is the most important part of a DIY kitchen remodel. After that, it’s just a matter of adding the right kind of details.
Step 2: If your cupboards were built before 1978, have a professional test for lead-based paint, since chipping it can release harmful levels of the metal into your house.
Step 3: Liberally sand off blemishes with a power sander, then wipe the cabinets down with mineral spirits. Wipe them again after they’ve dried. Sand down the divider between the doors and drawers and around any hinges, which have probably deteriorated with age.
Step 4: With a strong cleaner like Simple Green, scrub down the inside of the cupboards and the bottom of their drawers.
7 anchovy fillets
Step 5: Leave them to dry, then check all the screw holes. If they’re full of wood filler, fill in with a filler of your choice (try Elmer’s).
Step 6: With an angled paintbrush and a mix of 1/3 latex paint tinted to match the cabinets (try Minwax stain in “Early American”), and 2/3 Zinsser SealCoat, paint any spots that were covered by drawers or doors, as well as the inside of any cupboards where there are gaps between shelving. Let dry.
Step 7: Tighten the screws for the doors and drawers with a screwdriver. (Photo 7) If your hinges have all corroded, restain them with Zinsser B-I-N or equivalent.
Step 8: Using finishing nails, attach a set of old curtain rods to the sides of each kitchen cabinet. I bought a pair at Goodwill for $1.50 and cut them down with a hacksaw. Use more nails to hang the old drapes on the rods. (Photos 8–11)
Step 9: Apply a coat of primer to all your cut curtain rods, let dry, and then paint them whatever color you want. I chose matte metallic silver.
Step 10: Crank open old shutters and cut them in pieces. Then apply an even coat of matte metallic silver spray paint to slightly distress the edges. Use finishing nails to hang the shutter panels over the window above the sink. (Photo 12)