30-Day Business Challenge:Day 25

If you are a confident public speaker, take today to write some brain teasers to help you with your pitch deck. If you struggle with public speaking, get some friends together in a comfortable but public place, such as a coffee shop or college commons, and give them your pitch. Then, do it again. And again. The best way to become a confident public speaker, which you will have to do at some point during your growth, is to practice speaking to a familiar group in public.

30-Day Business Challenge:Day 24

Content Creation Day! Creating content can be “leg day” for your brain but don’t let it overwhelm you. Today you will need to focus on what you want to present to your customers. If you have a physical store, what is your style? Do you have a theme? Can you incorporate your logo, color pallet, or business name into your décor? If your store is strictly online or, if you have a website where you will sell also, you need to consider the same things while additionally creating written content for your site.

Again, don’t let this overwhelm you. You likely don’t need much. Write the essential information in a bulleted list and then turn your list into a short paragraph. If it gets to be too much, consider hiring a freelancer. They do that kind of thing for fun.

30-Day Business Challenge:Day 22

Picture day! You will need visual aids for your pitch desk, business cards and advertising, website, storefront, and social media accounts. If you enjoy taking pictures, go out and take some around town. Local flavor, recognizable landmarks, and unique images from around town always resonate with residents and will encourage a warm beginning to your relationship with them. If you don’t take your own pictures, consider searching for a local photographer who may already have some images you could buy or search for images in the public domain online. Be sure you have the right to use them. If they are copyrighted and the proper permission/citations aren’t given, you could wind up in some hot water legally.

30-Day Business Challenge:Day 21

One of the most sorely overlooked and misused marketing tools in our society today is social media. It is essential that you can connect with your public on these platforms. Depending on your product you may need to utilize the top three. These are Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Instagram is more photo heavy so if you don’t have a very visual product, Twitter and Facebook are probably your best bet. Take today to set up the accounts for your business with them. There are business tools on both that you can familiarize yourself with as you go.

30-Day Business Challenge:Day 20

INVENTORY! You need to have THINGS! If you are selling a product, stock up now! Make as many as you can hold; make at least two of everything. If people want something and you don’t have it as soon as you open, they may not come back again to check for it despite e-mails, text reminders, and the like. If you are selling a service, print off some coupons today. Have them on hand to either give your customers directly when performing the service or sent in an e-mail after. If you have a physical storefront, get a display stand and place your coupons somewhere folks can see it. They may try you out if they “get a good deal” the first time.

30-Day Business Challenge:Day 19

Do some research on your competition today. Who are they? Are they in the same industry as you or is it a similar product? What do you like about the way they do things and is there any way to put a positive spin on that to benefit you? What weaknesses do you see? Do you have any of the same flaws and can you correct them?

30-Day Business Challenge:Day 18

If you have business partners, take today to sit down with them and work out how you will split up the assets and what will be fair for everyone. Have a blank contract where you can write in the agreement or be prepared to create one today and have everyone sign it.

30-Day Business Challenge:Day 17

Write up some contracts today or hire someone to do that for you. You will need an agreement between you and your employees if you have any, you may need a contract between you and your clients depending on what your services are, you might want to consider an agreement between you and a long term supplier, and, if you have any investors, you’ll want one for them, too.

30-Day Business Challenge:Day 16

Before you launch, it is crucial to have your finances straight! Make today about getting your tax ID and checking on bookkeeping and accounting. If you have employees, they will need to be paid promptly. If you have suppliers or shipping costs, those bills can pile up quickly and sneakily. Moreover, everyone knows Uncle Sam will come after you if you don’t pay the piper!

30-Day Business Challenge:Day 15

If you plan on having investors in your business that are not business partners, do some research today on the different kinds of investors and which type might be best for you. If you find something that looks promising, do a few web searches. Many investors specialize in a field, and you may find someone who would be just the right fit. Check out the “pitch decks” on day Piktochart before reaching out.