How to Sharpen a Knife – Video

Step 1.
Place blade on bench grinder with long side of blade parallel to grinding wheel.
Step 2: As grindstone rotates and draws the blade toward it, press down steadily but gently on cutter with your left hand until you have a 30° “feeling” angle.
Don’t touch the grinding wheel or your fingers will become a messy treat for the bench dogs. For more information about how to sharpen a knife with a bench grinder check out this instructional video.

Step 2.
With Angle Grinder Tricks – Video

Step 3.
Touch No Stones – Video

Step 4.
Lock Down Guide Plate – Video

Step 5.
Grind Away – Video Hardware and Supplies You will need the following items ( which can be purchased at any hardware store): 15 MM TCT End Mill cutter

Step 6.
Deburring and Clean Up – Video You can order this ceramic burr at Lee Valley.
Final Steps Use a bench grinder with a Ceramic Burr to debur the edge of your knife blade.

Step 7.
Sharpening the Edge – Video A more detailed instruction with pictures can be found here.
Close Metal File

Step 8.
Touch Up and Polish – Video Using a metal file, polish both sides of your blade.
Then stroke both sides of the blade gently with a polishing cloth.
This should give you a sharp edge. Clamp Down Guide Plate

Step 9.
Side and End Angle – Video Check out this photo to see the side and end angle.
The top edge should be 20 degrees and the bottom edge should be 25 degrees.
Do this on both sides of the blade.

Step 10.
Use a ruler to check the angle of your blade with calipers.
You will also want to use a ruler to make sure you have a uniform thickness across your blade.
Otherwise it might be too weak in the middle.

How to Stop Acne In 2 Days

Step 1.
Daily Skin Cleansing: Exfoliation is the secret to acne free skin.
It cleans away the dirt and oil that clogs pores, allowing acne-causing bacteria to grow thicker in your pores.
Although your pores get clogged overnight, you can still exfoliate your skin to remove dirt, oil and dead skin cells. Reducing the oil and bacteria on your face, helps the skin to heal the pimples fast without scarring.

Step 2.
Use a Skin Cleanser that Kills Acne Bacterias: Use a Facial Cleanser that contains Salicylic Acid and Benzoyl Peroxide.
Benzoyl Peroxide kills bacteria on contact.
In Recent Research has shown that Benzoyl Peroxide is particularly good at preventing acne lesions as it is able to reduce P.Acnes counts in almost half after three months of use

Step 3.
Use An Exfoliant: Get a scrub that has tiny bits of grit in it.
Scrub at least twice a week, preferably after a steamy shower when your pores are already open.
The Exfoliant scrubs away the dead skin and cleans gently. It doesn’t make the skin dry but soft & smooth.

Step 4.
Moisturize: Keep your skin hydrated.
Use a day and night moisturizer which contains Sunscreen and use it on a regular basis.

Step 5.
Consume Vitamin A: Vitamin A is effective in treating Acne by reducing the growth of bacteria.
Vitamin A is also known for soothing inflamed skin and reducing redness.
Vitamin A helps keep your skin smooth, soft and healthy. Intake of Vitamin A rich food like fish, carrot and spinach help in preventing acne.

Step 6.
Drink Plenty Of Water: Water plays a vital role in reducing Acne.
Water keeps your skin hydrated, it helps detoxify your body, and prevents dehydration which leads to acne.

Step 7.
Over the Counter Acne Products: Consult with your dermatologist before using Over the Counter Acne Products.
You can use ClearPores for acne treatment in two days, to clear acne and pimples, fight bacteria & reduce blackheads, whiteheads, and stubborn facial hair.

Step 8.
Diet Plan: Include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet to fight acne.
These organic foods help nourish your skin and make it clean.

Step 9.
Exfoliate: Use a glycolic or salicylic scrub to slough off the dead skin cells.
Use either of them once a day in the morning.

Step 10.
Use Tea Tree Oil: Natural and pure tea tree oil is anti-bacterial, antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and anti-irritant.
This makes it a good option for treating acne effectively.

How to Avoid Sexual Misconduct.”

Step 1.
Be Clear on the Purpose of your Relationship.
There are two aspects to the purpose of any relationship: the first is that you’re serving the other person so he or she will be blessed (and not just to get him or her into bed); the second is that you are being blessed as well.

Step 2.
Make sure the Purpose is Practical.
Don’t expect to be a friend with sexual benefits unless your friendship is going somewhere.
If you still aren’t sure about where you are going, stick with being friends. This is too important to mess up just to get laid.

Step 3.
Set Boundaries.
Don’t cross the line once you guys have made it clear to each other where you will and won’t go.
And don’t make dating a goal that you are willing to manipulate your way to.

Step 4.
Know what you really want and expect.
Don’t get stuck in a relationship with someone who isn’t going to give you everything you want, but you don’t tell him or her that.
A relationship shouldn’t require lying or hiding through omission to work.

Step 5.
Get an education.
Get to know the stereotypes and myths that surround romantic relationships.
The more you know about what could go wrong, the better plan you’ll make for avoiding it.

Step 6.
Be careful who you talk to.
If you are going to be vulnerable with anyone about anything, make sure this person will not use what you have shared against you.

Step 7.
Be careful how you kiss.
There is a reason why the Bible tells us to keep our lips from speaking evil.
If you and your partner are having problems, don’t let yourself become vulnerable by engaging in passionate and sexual behavior. Distance yourself from physical touch until you get things worked out.

Step 8.
Be careful what you do with your hands.
If you find that your hands and arms are becoming a part of the physical distance growing between you and your friend, decide to stop the emotional distance taking place by putting them down to call a time out.
Version 1.2 11/12

Step 9.
Don’t get mentally carried away.
You may have good intentions, but they won’t matter if you forget what your best behavior is.
If you have found a girl who is attractive and emotionally available, that doesn’t mean you’re meant for each other. It just means you’re probably not in the same place.

Step 10.
Think of yourself as a pioneer.
You may not be out exploring the New World, but if you don’t know what’s waiting for you out there in the dating world, you’re just kidding yourself.
You may end up dating someone you thought was right for you, but who turned out to be destructive. So use this guide for dealing with romantic relationships wisely, because nobody else will.

How to download and install the game on a computer

Step 1: Start your system and go to “My Computer”.
Find the hard drive icon and install the game. The default path to install the game will be C:\Program Files\KONAMI\Pro Evolution Soccer 2011. For example:

Step 2.
Go to KONAMI\Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 and create a desktop shortcut, for example: “C:\Program Files\KONAMI\Pro Evolution Soccer 2011\pes_2011.

Step 3.
Create a desktop shortcut of the shortcut you have just created.
For example.
“C:\Users\user name\Desktop\pes 2011.lnk”

Step 4.
If a new shortcut is generated in the start menu it should have something [USB Mass Storage Device] in its name.
Remove everything except the last part of the name.
For example: “pes 2011”

Step 5.
Start the game.
The shortcut on your desktop should open the PES 2011 Launcher.
If it doesn’t then go to your computer and find the new shortcut and click on it.

Step 6.
If it still doesn’t work, then try ending the task of PES 2011.
Find the game using your computer and right click on the process and end it in the end process tab.

Step 7: Now go to the start menu on your computer and look for PES 2011 under KONAMI.
Start the game and if everything goes right, you should see the PES 2011 Launcher. Check if the game is loading by pressing “F1”. Enter the short-cut location and make a new shortcut of it and try running it on your desktop. This time it should open the PES 2011 Launcher.

Step 8.
Congratulations if it worked! If not then this is an issue with the game.
We suggest you contact KONAMI support.

Step 9.
Make sure you have updated everything at least once.
It includes steam, anti-virus, graphics card drivers etc.

Step 10.
If you have some extra know-how take a look at the files, installers and their path’s.
Like for example ar\e.ini to fc\data.
You might have missed something.

How to block her path. She’s taken him to a land very difficult for humans to enter. It’s the entrance to hell

Step 1.
Edit Edit

Step 2.
Edit Edit

Step 3.
Edit Edit

Step 4.
Edit Edit

Step 5.
You must now defeat the remaining two cards.
These are the origin of the spell.
They’re the ones who put him to sleep

Step 6.
Edit Edit

Step 7.
Edit Edit

Step 8.
Edit Edit

Step 9.
After you beat the cards, Cerberus will appear.
Defeat him to save the prince.
You’ll take him to the entrance of hell and he’ll sleep peacefully.

Step 10.
Edit Edit

How to ensure your video content inspires your audience to act

How to

Step 1.
Align your content with your prospect’s goals.
Step 2: Ensure video assists with your prospect’s goals.
Step 3: Make it easy for your user to receive that assistance.

Step 2.
Offer local content.
This can be anything regarding your local community or your business location’s area.
This could be useful for industries with local businesses as clients. If one of your clients works in South Philly, make sure you maintain a presence there – shop at small South Philly businesses, share events in South Philly on Facebook and Twitter, etc.

Step 3.
Make it easy to take action.
In the video, conclude with an easy way your prospects can take action.
They’ll likely be watching on their mobile phone or desktop computer, so consider putting actionable information (like a link to this book) in the description of the YouTube video. If you’re putting your content on Facebook or Instagram, use a geofilter for the post. Geofilters increase engagement and could lead to more views.

Step 4.
Measure your content performance.
You will eventually want to track the performance of your video content, but it might not be worth it in the beginning.

Step 5.
Analyze what isn’t working.
You will inevitably have some content that doesn’t perform well.
Take note of which pieces aren’t performing as well (don’t be discouraged by this, just determine what didn’t work and move on). Try to figure out why. Maybe your prospect wasn’t in the mood for the topic you were offering. Maybe the question you posed was too hard to answer (people are usually more compelled to buy when presented

Step 6.
Focus your content.
If you’re failing at expanding your reach, try creating more content that is focused on a niche market.
While this may limit your overall reach, it will help focus your efforts and allow you to penetrate a market you’ve targeted.

Step 7.
Increase your production quality and frequency.
As you gain more experience in creating videos, your videos will become better.
Get feedback from friends, business partners and family. Lean on your inner circle for honest feedback. Your first few videos might not be so good (and maybe your later ones won’t be either), but one day you’ll find that video content is easy for you.

Step 8.
Diversify your content.
Don’t limit yourself by thinking you only have to create videos for your business.
Think about the content you could create that would help your prospects in ways other than earning them money. It could be how to cut their grocery bills in half, or how to get their child into their dream school, or how to engage with the next generation on social media.

Step 9.
Organize your content by level of interest.
So what is the next step after you’ve created content? Where do you plan to post it? There are many places you could post it and market it.
Consider where you might post it and market the content to determine the quality of the content. What type of content should you share in each place? That depends on what you’re trying to accomplish with your content.

Step 10.
Maintain a schedule.
Create a schedule of when you will post and share your content.
Repetition creates confirmation. Your audience will begin to ask themselves, “What is Joe Schmoe posting on Facebook?” or “Why is it Jessica’s second interview this week?” If you consistently provide content that is value adding for your prospect (and are posting on the right platforms), your brand loyalty will increase.

How to build an effective speech for IELTS

Step 1.
Collect information

Step 2.
Write a draft

Step 3.
Choose and practise examples

Step 4.
Study the model answer

Step 5.
Increase your vocabulary

Step 6.
Prepare your visual aids

Step 7.
Revise, practise and learn what works best for you

Step 8.
Deliver your speech

Step 9.
Review the answers and discuss your progress with friends

Step 10.
Practice, practice, practice

How to verify the JAVA installation:

Step 1.
Open the Control Panel on your desktop.

Step 2.
Inside the Control Panel open Java.
(You might have to click on the Security tab and then request access to the Java control panel at the bottom of that security-related window.

Step 3.
Under Java/Security, click the security tab.
You will see the Java version information in the Java Control Panel.

Step 4.
Press the YES button to have the JAVA verifier check the JVM for you.
You will be told if any security problems exist.

Step 5.
Press the OK button and the Close button to verify Java and exit the JAVA Control Panel.

Step 6.
Close the Control Panel.
You should now be able to run the spu2-x version 1.8.1 emulator.

Step 7.
Look for a file named spu2-x.
jar under the C:\Program Files\spu2-x directory.
The spu2-x version 1.8.1 emulator will run properly from this .jar file.

Step 8: Run the spu2-x version 1.8.1 emulator.
A command prompt window will appear and a Windows alert will sound asking if you want to allow it to make changes. This is normal, so give permission.

Step 9.
On the left side of the command prompt window you will see a window that says “spu2x – version x.
x (build yy)” followed by some version numbers and a (build yy) number.

Step 10.
If things are working properly, you should see a little menu that includes the following options shown at the top of the menu as “File + Emulator.

How to Talk to a Loved One with a Secret Addiction

Step 1.
Decide to Talk When both you and your loved one are in an anxiety-free environment.
This is not the moment to have a discussion.
Your loved one should be calm, centered and open.

Step 2.
Establish Clear Boundaries Give your loved one an idea of what to expect.
You are not looking for a “yes or no” response.
Explain that you want to talk about the most important aspects of their addiction—and they will have a say in the discussion, but you must be the one to initiate the conversation.

Step 3.
Listen to Their Side of the Story Be prepared and willing to hear their point-of-view.
You are not there to judge, but to help.
No one uses drugs and/or alcohol to cause harm to themselves or others. Issues around abuse, for example, can be complex.

Step 4.
Set Boundaries for them Your loved one has proven that he or she does not have control over his or her addiction—at least at the present time.
By offering some boundaries, you can offer them a chance to regain control—a chance to succeed.

Step 5.
Understand Your Role as a Non-Addicted Counselor/Support Person Now is not the time to talk about drugs and alcohol.
Consider what kind of role you would like to take on in your loved one’s life, and how best you can support them.
Do not put your loved one in the position where they feel they need to say they are “fine” or “ok”—but rather accept their nonverbal cues that they want help.

Step 6.
Avoid Making This a Bragging Session of What They Would Do If They Were Addicted Acknowledging that you would not want to be in the situation is a great place to start.
Explain that you would understand if they felt the same way about being in their addiction.

Step 7.
Get Curious and Confident Again, avoid the desire to judge.
True compassion will elude you if you are not curious about your loved one’s addiction, their background and even their current situation.
By forming these undifferentiated responses, you will be able to immediately begin a conversation with your loved one and focus on their needs.

Step 8.
Insert Yourself into Their Sub-Narratives In the future, you might have to walk away from a conversation if you feel it is becoming too negative.
It may also be helpful to try and reframe the conversation around more positive events in your loved one’s life, and acknowledge the same in theirs.

Step 9.
Take Time Out Deep breaths… With a support person, take some time-outs from the conversation to reflect on you, your loved one and your intervention goals.

Step 10.
Avoid Comparisons Incorporate mutual friends into the conversation, be it cousins, siblings or brothers-in-law.
Talking about others outside the setting of your loved one’s addiction might help that person feel more positive.
Give examples of how others had felt when they were in those situations.

How to update old cupboards – This Old House Painting

Step 1.
Getting the cabinets clean and prepped is the most important part of a DIY kitchen remodel.
After that, it’s just a matter of adding the right kind of details.

Step 2.
If your cupboards were built before 1978, have a professional test for lead-based paint, since chipping it can release harmful levels of the metal into your house.

Step 3.
Liberally sand off blemishes with a power sander, then wipe the cabinets down with mineral spirits.
Wipe them again after they’ve dried.
Sand down the divider between the doors and drawers and around any hinges, which have probably deteriorated with age.

Step 4.
With a strong cleaner like Simple Green, scrub down the inside of the cupboards and the bottom of their drawers.

Step 5.
Leave them to dry, then check all the screw holes.
If they’re full of wood filler, fill in with a filler of your choice (try Elmer’s).

Step 6: With an angled paintbrush and a mix of 1/3 latex paint tinted to match the cabinets (try Minwax stain in “Early American”), and 2/3 Zinsser SealCoat, paint any spots that were covered by drawers or doors, as well as the inside of any cupboards where there are gaps between shelving.
Let dry.

Step 7.
Tighten the screws for the doors and drawers with a screwdriver.
(Photo 7) If your hinges have all corroded, restain them with Zinsser B-I-N or equivalent.

Step 8.
Using finishing nails, attach a set of old curtain rods to the sides of each kitchen cabinet.
I bought a pair at Goodwill for $1.50 and cut them down with a hacksaw.
Use more nails to hang the old drapes on the rods. (Photos 8–11)

Step 9.
Apply a coat of primer to all your cut curtain rods, let dry, and then paint them whatever color you want.
I chose matte metallic silver.

Step 10.
Crank open old shutters and cut them in pieces.
Then apply an even coat of matte metallic silver spray paint to slightly distress the edges.
Use finishing nails to hang the shutter panels over the window above the sink. (Photo 12)