How to combine the horizontal bar anchor and a long vertical bar to equally divide up the space of a browser window

Step 1.
Set up the basic page and bar chart

Step 2.
Add Our Horizontal Bar Chart Anchor and Another Vertical Bar Chart Same Width/Height Using Our Vertical Bar ( Anchor)

Step 3.
Add the Line Chart Anchor and Another Vertical Bar Chart Same Width/Height Using Our Vertical Bar ( Anchor)

Step 4.
Add Song Title and Artist Using Our Horizontal Bar Anchor Combination

Step 5.
Add Date of Release Using Our Horizontal Bar Anchor Combination

Step 6.
Add Embed Audio Player on Top of Same Vertical Bar and Cover Part of the Vertical Bar Rarely Used to Show Vertical Bar Chart

Step 7.
Add Song Amount Downloaded Column Using Our Horizontal Bar Anchor Combination as a Spacer and Separator Using Our Bevel Effect

Step 8.
Add Song Amount Downloaded as Percentage Using Our Horizontal Bar Anchor Combination as a Spacer and Separator Using Our Bevel Effect

Step 9.
Add Song Amount Downloaded as Percentage Using Our Horizontal Bar Anchor Combination as a Spacer and Separator

Step 10.
Repeat the Songs Column Set Up Six More Times For Each Song in the Set List List Column, But Use a Different Media Type for Each Song

How to Grow and Care for African Tarantulas,” video presentation on

Step 1.
Test for suitability by letting your tarantula crawl around on one of the hands in a pair of white cotton gloves.
This will give it some protection from your hands and any chemicals used to clean its container, should you approach it directly.

Step 2.
Move your hand so that the tarantula can enter the glove.
If it climbs all or most of the way inside the glove, that is a good sign that it may be ready to change homes.

Step 3: Cover the floor of a new container with 1 to 2 in of soil.
Then add a shallow layer of peat moss and crushed coconut shell, ideally pre-moistened before adding to this layer.

Step 4.
Make a hole in the soil, enclosing the tarantula with your index finger and thumb.
Let it work its way out of the soil on its own with the help of its sense of touch, if needed.

Step 5.
Drop the tarantula in and carefully cover it with soil.
Then replace the new container’s lid and tape it securely to keep the tarantula inside.

Step 6.
Feed it.
Tarantulas prefer live insects and can be rescued from their cannibalistic ways (and from being prey) by breeding crickets as food for them.

Step 7.
A week after its move, it may shed its exuviae (old exoskeleton).
This could be a sign that things are going well.

Step 8.
After two or three weeks, try blowing gently on its abdomen with nothing in front of you.
You are trying to make it nervous so that it will be prepared to run away if necessary.
Repeat every few days until it runs. Remove your finger to see if it comes back.

Step 9.
Once its running has improved, watch it from a distance to see if it can run away.
It might near a leaf with a white plant tag hanging on it.
If so, remove your finger and see if it goes to the spot and stays there where you can pet it.

Step 10.
When you are able to touch it from a distance, move your hand around the leaf.
Try to make it nervous, perhaps by doing quick lunges toward the tarantula before backing away.

How to Make It: Oven Braised Pork Chops

Step 1.
Season your pork chop.
This may seem counterintuitive, but many people I know find that a pork chop tastes best when it’s not covered, completely, in some sort of salt-and-pepper rub.
Maybe it has something to do with the bone—maybe you want it to season the bone, too. Either way, I find that an even dusting of salt and pepper is the most flavorful starting off point for the cooked chop.

Step 2.
Preheat your oven.
Set a cast-iron pan on medium heat.
Enough to get it legitimately hot, but still not so hot that the olive oil you’re about to add will smoke. While you wait for that to happen, pat the sides of your pork chop dry. (This helps to achieve a good sear.)

Step 3.
Add the olive oil and pork chop.
Add just enough to coat, and then add the pork chop.
No crowding—you want an oven-to-cooking surface ratio that works out to at least one square inch of cooking surface per ounce of meat.

Step 4.
Cook the pork chop, oil side down.
Don’t move it! I know that’s how you’re used to doing it at home, but it’s actually pretty important that you don’t turn the chop until the bottom half is done.
This will probably take 3 to 4 minutes.

Step 5.
Flip the pork chop.
When it’s brown and crusty on the bottom, it’s time to flip.
Flip the chop and brown for another 3 to 4 minutes.

Step 6.
Get a pan out of the oven.
Then, crack a whole bunch of eggs in it—just drop them in from about a foot above the pan.

Step 7.
Cook the eggs.
Cook the eggs as you like ’em, but I personally think this one just needs to cook until the whites are no longer translucent (about 3 minutes), then place them on top of the cooked pork chop and toss on cooked broccoli.
This is now an omelette-style situation.

Step 8.
Glaze with the pan sauce.
The little bits that browned in the pan immediately after you seared the pork chop? Combine that stuff with a bit of apple cider vinegar, fresh herbs, and maybe some ketchup to add a little color.

Step 9.
Eat the pork chops and broccoli and the eggs.
The broccoli gets cooked by the residual heat from the pork chop, and the concoction will glaze everything to perfection.

Step 10.
This exact dish hasn’t been replicated at home more than twice, but it could definitely be made over and over again.
You could even pair it with pasta or potatoes if you felt so inclined. And really, who doesn’t?

How to overcome the fear of losing a great deal of money?

Step 1: Practice 12-Point Banking (bookkeeping and performance forecasting).
I have never yet seen a person who could not learn to practice basic bookkeeping. Anybody can sit down and make entry after entry, bringing an account from Last Year through the first part of this year. Then see where it is on a statement like in the sample below and move it forward to where things are at right now.
Step 2: Become more organized.
Get more efficient in the handling of money and other resources. The only thing you have unlimited is time, and we can learn how to get better results out of the time we have.
Step 3: Get guaranteed results on your money matters.
Put a small amount of effort into getting some training and make it 12-Point Banking (bookkeeping, forecasting and planning). It will be the best money-and-time investment available to you, without question.
sea salt
Step 4: Surround yourself with a support group or mastermind group.
This group will provide you with information and support, direction and motivation. Do ask people who you respect and admire to be your coach and counselor—people who are kind and fair and can compare notes with you on how the system works in their lives, even if they don’t use all of the techniques. If you need more help getting people together, call your local SCORE (Service Corps of Retired Executives) for a
Step 5: Do “Show and Tell” on a regular basis.
Once we have learned something new, it is exciting to be able to show others what we have learned and get feedback from them. If you would like some ideas for doing Show and Tell, the next chapter will help.
Step 6: Become aware of your emotional triggers.
Emotions are links to your past and can play havoc with your current business situation, if you allow it. Once you have become aware of your emotional triggers, you can react differently. You can act different, feel different and choose different emotional responses.
Step 7: Create an action plan.
There is good reason to put your efforts into that which you can control and change right away. This will let you feel more positive and in control, because you are now doing something about the situation instead of whining about it.
Step 8: Change your thoughts and words to neutralize the emotional part of you.
This can be done with a device, such as a rubber band or small object that will snap against your wrist. It works best when used in front of a mirror to allow you to become aware of what you are saying and doing. It will knock out the “me” part of a lot of your sentences, putting things into more of a third person viewpoint.
Step 9: Change your focus to the future of prosperity.
Think about what you want your situation to be like in twelve months, not where you have been or how “unfair” it seems. In the end, every experience has a lesson in it and has come to show you something you needed to learn.
Step 10: Be grateful for all the positive things in your life.
Make a list of these things and read it to yourself twice a day, if you can. Focus on the people who care and the relationships that are important to you. Use the many benefits and ways the universe has thoughtfully provided you to help you along in your efforts.
cheesy instant pot whole chicken meal prep

How to Get a Hub and Spoke to Dual Adapters

2 inch thick
2 inch thick
Step 1: Take a Plug Tap and two Plug’s in correct phase.
Wire them together. (Notice the RED goes to the RED and the GREEN goes to the GREEN.)
2 inch thick
Step 2: Insert the Plug Tap into a outlet strip or surge protector strip.
You may want to check to see if you have neutral or hot wires coming out of the strip or surge protector. If your in a outlet strip then the Neutral and Ground (Neutral) are going to be one set of wires and the hot wires another set. If you find the above to be true then insert a plug on each set of wires coming from the first two outlets. If you find that the Neutral and Ground are separate
4 cloves garlic
Step 3: Add two more outlets on a another outlet strip and run the separate Neutral and Ground wires to the next strip.
Now use the Unused hot
lump sum payment
Step 4: Now you should have outlets on each outlet strip.
Now take the other two plugs in correct phase and see if they will fit your wall adapters. if so then use the you just made a removable plug. If not then go to step 5
Step 5: Cut or trim the plugs in the center so that they will fit the wall outlets.
(Warning: If you cut them to short it may be a fire hazard.)
Step 6: Take this newly created plug and Plug it into the first outlet on the first strip.
Take the other end and plug it into a wall plug that is on the outside of the home.
Step 7: Run the power into Hub from the second outlet on the outside of the house.
Use a power cord or good CAT5 cable to run outlets inside the house.
Step 8: Do the same for other hub and spoke modules.
( Notice the RED goes to the RED and GREEN goes to the GREEN.)
raw garlic
Step 9: Install 1 Hub in the center of the house and install hub and spoke modules along the way to the outside.

Step 10: To run a set of outlets upstairs you can use a power cord or good CAT5 cable to the outlets on the first floor.


How to insert a new partition:

Step 1: Select the partition where you want to add a new partition to.
Then right click on the partition and select “Resize/Move Partition”, which appears as the second item from the top in the drop-down menu. (If you just want to shrink the partition, don’t add a new one.)
sea salt
Step 2: The “Resize/Move Partition” dialog will appear and ask if you want to add a new partition or resize the existing one.
Please select “Add” from the drop-down menu to create a new partition.
2 tbs olive oil
Step 3: The “Create Disk Partition” dialog will appear and let you choose the size of the new partition to be created.
You can click on the “Advanced” button to set a Custom value for the size of the partition in the Case 1: Set size in MB or Case 2: Specify size in GB and Bytes box, but if you want to resize the partition to be exactly 5 GB, please type “5041648”, which is 500 MB x 1024 MB (1 GB =
Step 4: When “Do you want to use the selected partition as the last partition?” appears and you check “No”, the Add Partition dialog will then pop up and tell you how much free space is left on your disk if you resize or shrink the partition.
You can also set a letter for the new partition.
2 tbs olive oil 4 slices gluten
Step 5: When you are about to create the partition, please ensure you have checked “Perform a quick format…” before clicking “OK”.

Step 6: To check the new partition has been created, go to “Disk Management” from the lower pane and then double click to expand the disk drive. If a new partition has been created, you will then see the new partition as well.
Step 7: To format the new partition, please right click on it and select “Format” from the drop-down menu.
After that, you can follow the instructions and create a label for the new partition.
Step 8: The new partition is now ready for you to use.
You can also access it through My Computer and then remove the old partition from the partition list.
traditional industry vehicles
Step 9: To open the new partition, you can right click on the partition and choose “New Simple Volume” from the drop-down menu.
Now you can follow the instructions under Step 1: Select the partition in “Step 2: The ‘Resize/Move Partition’ dialog will appear.” in this tutorial to format the newly added partition.
Step 10: Now you can choose the letter and format of the new partition you want to create.
The “Create Disk Partition” dialog will appear and you can click on the “OK” button to create the partition.
2 inch thick

How to install the Google Earth Downloader plugin in Mozilla Firefox

Step 1: Download the plugin here.
Click on the Download plugin button and Firefox will prompt you to go to the next step.
Step 2: Select the Open file button.
This will help you get the plugin downloaded, and saved in your desired location.
2 cloves garlic
Step 3: The next page will prompt you to Open or Save the file.
To add the plugin in Firefox, select the Open option.
Step 4: The file will now open.
Firefox will then prompt you for an installation location for the extension. Locate the place where you want to save it and select Install Now.
Step 5: You will then be asked to restart Firefox.
Once you restart, go to the location where you placed the plugin and you should find a Google Earth downloader folder with a Firefox icon.
Step 6: Click on the Firefox icon, and it will open the plugins window.
Click on the Activate Plugin button to activate the plugin. Now you can select the Plugins button and then click on the Google Earth Downloader menu.
serves 4
Step 7: There you’ll have to pick where you want to download the Google Earth image, and what part of the world you are interested in.

freshly ground black pepper
Step 8: Click on the Google Earth Downloader menu and click on the Make a KML file of the current map section.

Step 9: The tool will automatically transfer the image to your desired location.
To see the newly downloaded Google Earth image, go to your Downloads folder in Windows Explorer and open the image file.
Step 10: Right click on the Google Earth Downloader tool and select the Internet shortcuts menu.
Click on the Open a new tab with icon to open up a new tab in Firefox that instantly has the downloaded KML file in it.

How to Make a Nintendo Switch Case

15 mins
15 mins
Step 1.
Collect All the Materials Show All Items
Step 2.
Draw the Case Show All Items
Step 3.
Cut It Out Show All Items
use bitcoinethereum mining
Step 4.
Fold the Pieces Show All Items
Step 5.
Put It Together Show All Items
Step 6.
Add the Switch Show All Items
spinach salad
Step 7.
Add the Accessories Show All Items
Step 8.
Enjoy Show All Items
Step 9.
Outro Show All Items
Step 10.
Addendum/Update Show All Items
spinach salad

How to Test Anything, Part 1: Maximize Learning, Minimize Unexpected Consequences

Step 1: Write down what you want to test, and list all the expected outcomes and their relative probabilities.

freshly ground black pepper
Step 2: List all possible variations.
They may be obvious, or they may be nearly invisible. If they are hidden, check all the places that might be relevant.
Step 3: Choose a variation, either at random or based on judgment.
First identify preconceptions that may bias the test. If you know the result, you have once raised a barrier to learning (your own inability to see reality).
Step 4: Measure the metric(s) of interest, and document your reasoning.
Then measure everything else. Document your reasoning for everything else.
define neural networks
Step 5: Document again.
You need to be reminded that you remembered to measure what you thought you were measuring.
Step 6: Analyze the results.
Learn to tell when you are learning as fast as possible, and when you need a better hypothesis or additional variations of the test.
Step 7: Revise your model.
Your models, not reality, are the unbiased sources of your learning. One of us (DHH) has suggested that the world does indeed need more anthropomorphized quadratic equations.
Step 8: If there are connections between what you are testing and other areas of interest, consider parallel tests in those areas.

serves 4
Step 9: Share what you have learned as widely as possible.
You can take steps to reduce the risk of negative outcomes, if you learn enough.
coarse salt
Step 10: Set up a process to follow the most important results even after you have forgotten about them.
If no one is interested, announce the results and explain why they are important to people who care.
¾ cup fresh lemon juice

How to install Unbounce HTML Kits WordPress plugin

Step 1: After completing the free registration process for Unbounce, you will be taken to the Unbounce landing page where you will have the option to create your account or log in as a registered user.
If you already have an Unbounce account, then simply login and select the platform you want to start from; otherwise, if you are a new user, then click on the Get Started button to register your account.
Step 2: After registering your account with Unbounce, download your Kit to the WordPress site.
You might be prompted to log in or display the download button. If you are prompted to log in, then do so.
Step 3: Once you have downloaded your Kit, then you will find it in the WordPress admin area under the Downloads section.
Click on the Follow the Instructions to Install option, shown in the following screenshot:
Step 4: After log in to the WordPress admin area from your browser, navigate to the My Account | Billing section.
At this point, you will find an invoice for the account listed as Credit Card Upload Document. Click on the Customize button to edit your account information and then click on the Upload your credit card document link as shown in the following screenshot:
location button
Step 5: Follow the simple on-screen instructions to upload your credit card billing invoice for the Kit.
The Unbounce Kit will be activated upon successful payment. Then, click on the Return to your Existing App button to start using your new Unbounce Kit in WordPress.
Step 6: Your Unbounce Kit will appear in the Dashboard area under the Installed Plugins section of the WordPress admin area.
If you need to enable it, then hover over the Enabled checkbox of your Plugin and click on the Enable link, which is highlighted in the following screenshot:
Step 7: Now, navigate to the Installed Plugins section from the WordPress Dashboard and select the Unbounce Plugin from the list.
Here, you will then find the option to configure the Plugin settings, which include modifying the Template URL, Theme, Logo, and Branding options, as shown in the following screenshot:
2 cloves garlic
Step 8: By default, Unbounce uses the theme style.
css file to insert the Theme metadata into the layout and it also adds some content under the WooCommerce product details, such as price, stock and SKU.
2 large sweet yellow onions
Step 9: To import the content from your Unbounce Kit, you need to make sure that the Bundle settings option is enabled by navigating to the Installed Plugins section and enabling the Bundle for this Template button.
Step 10: Next, pick the Bundle that includes the Unbounce Kit you want to import in your WordPress site and then click on the Import Now button.
